Hyannis ‘2’ Triathlon
September 6, 2025
Sprint Course | Olympic Course
Join experienced race veterans and triathlon newcomers alike for the 43rd year of the Hyannis Triathlons. These are the longest-running triathlons on the East Coast!
Both the Sprint and the Olympic races start and finish at picturesque, sandy Craigville Beach. They’re challenging — but still able to be completed by fitness enthusiasts who have trained for the distances. The atmosphere is special; the views are spectacular; and your satisfaction of accomplishment will last for a long time!
Sprint Course Description
SWIM: 1/4 mile
A sandy, waist-deep start at Craigville Beach (expect temps in the upper 60s for Hyannis1; mid-70s for Hyannis2). The course is rectangular in shape (approx 150 yards between the two turns). Wave conditions over the years have ranged from glass-calm to a moderate chop; never “big surf” in the protected waters of Nantucket Sound.
BIKE: 10.2 miles
This “rolling hills” course leaves the shores of Craigville to enter into the historic village of Centerville, then winds its way through the villages of Osterville and Wianno before returning along a shoreside road to Craigville Beach. Single loop; and no duplication of any stretch of road!
RUN: 3.6 miles
The athletes head off toward Hyannisport, with a quarter-mile flat run evolving into a gradual climb for a quarter-mile, then a gentle rolling grade until the last mile which is a gentle downhill grade. A water stop is staffed by enthusiastic volunteers at the midpoint of the 3.6-mile run.
Olympic Course Description
SWIM: 0.9 miles
Likely temperatures will be in the upper 60s for Hyannis1; mid-70s for Hyannis2. This is a single-loop swim course.
BIKE: 20 miles
The course is familiar to longtime racers of the sprint distance. The difference will be seen on the return to Centerville, when racers will turn left onto Bay Lane and head north to start the next loop on Bumps River Road. After visiting quaint Osterville once again the racers will follow Main Street to Centerville, and then turn right to decend on Craigville Beach Road to the transition area. Elevation approximately 475ft.
RUN: 6.2 miles
This 10k follows the sprint course, with the difference being that while the sprinters complete one loop and head home to the finish, the Olympians running west on Craigville Beach Road will come upon a U-turn which they will round for one more loop. The finish stretch is the same as the sprint course! Elevation approximately 150ft.
Aquabike Course Description
Aquabike is a rapidly growing subset of triathlon — ideal for those who wish to swim and cycle but not run. Often, our aquabike competitors are suffering from knee and foot injuries which hamper their running ability. USA Triathlon recognizes this sport, and upon completion of two aquabike races in a year you will be ranked against other athletes nationwide.
There are two options:
Sprint Aquabike:
Start time: 7:30am. You’ll swim the same swim and bike course as those who are racing the Sprint Triathlon. Here’s the difference: when you cross the bike dismount point your time is taken and your race will be completed. You will receive results which show your times for each leg, as well as how well you did against the other aquabike competitors.
Olympic Aquabike:
Start time: 7am. You’ll swim the same swim and bike course as those who are racing the Olympic Triathlon. When you cross the bike dismount point your time is taken and your race will be completed. You will receive results which show your times for each leg, as well as how well you did against the other aquabike competitors.
Aquathlon Course Description
Aquathlon is the newest race category to be added to multisport. The lack of a bike leg is ideal for those who do not own a bicycle, or who are traveling a distance to the race and don’t wish to deal with the hassles of transporting a bike. USA Triathlon recognizes the sport, and upon completion of two aquathlons in a year you will be ranked against other athletes nationwide.
Your start time is 7am — the same time as our Olympic athletes. First is the swim: 0.9 miles in gentle Nantucket Sound. You’ll enter the transition area, switch to running shoes, and off you go on a 10k (6.2 miles) run. Finish under the big arch by the beach. You will receive results which show your times for each leg, as well as how well you did against the other aquathlon competitors.
Duathlon Course Description
RUN #1: 1.4 miles
Our duathletes will depart at the same time as the Sprint Triathletes (7:30). The first run will be an out-and-back along Craigville Beach Road. Yes: there will be a water/hydration station!
BIKE: 10.25 miles
Following the same course as the Sprint distance triathlon, you will depart from the transition area at Craigville Beach to enter the historic village of Centerville, then winds its way through the villages of Osterville and Wianno before returning along a shoreside road to Craigville Beach. Single loop; and no duplication of any stretch of road!
RUN #2: 3.6 miles
Leaving your bike at the transition area, you'll head east toward Hyannisport, with a quarter-mile flat run evolving into a gradual climb for a quarter-mile, then a gentle rolling grade until the last mile which is a gentle downhill grade. Two water stops are staffed by enthusiastic volunteers along the way.
Race Details
Date: September 6, 2025
Location: Craigville Beach, Centerville Village, Town of Barnstable MA
Start time: Olympic event: 7:00am; Sprint race: 7:30am
Registration deadline: There is no online registration deadline. You can even register using an online device on race morning. However, note that on Thursday, Friday and Saturday the race registration fee increases by $15. And you will still need to pick up your packet race morning.
Packet pick-up and late registration: Friday evening 5-7pm at race site or 5:30-6:30am morning of race. All participants: bring photo ID and USAT card — if you have one. (If you don't have an annual USAT membership —there is a QR available so you can purchase at packet pick-up).
Registration fees (through 3/31/25):
Sprint Triathlon: $135 / Youth: $75
Sprint Duathlon (Run/bike/run): $125 / Youth: $65
Sprint Aquabike: $125 / Youth: $65
Sprint Relay Team: $215
Olympic Triathlon: $170/ Youth: $85
Olympic Aquabike: $160 / Youth: $75
Olympic Aquathon (Swim/run): $160 / Youth: $75
Olympic Relay Team: $300
Tri It Your Way ("virtual" race, done on your own with t-shirt and swag shipped to you): $75
Additional charges: Non-USAT members will be required to purchase a one-day event insurance license from USA Triathlon. Costs: $14/sprint, $21/olympic, $9 per relay team member, $10 for youth. For more information about these USAT memberships, please click here.
Transfers: Private transfers will be allowed for a $25.00 fee as long as both parties notify registration personnel by noon the Wednesday before the race. There will be no refunds unless you purchase Refund Protect during the registration process. There will not be a wait list
Water Conditions: Race director does reserve the right to substitute a beach run for the swim if water temperature is below 65 degrees, water quality tests indicate any health hazard, or if surf conditions are extremely rough
Relay Teams: Yes! Your choice: 2-person or 3-person, male, female and co-ed
Timing: Chip timed. Results link will be posted on this website and the race Facebook page
USAT sanctioned: Results will count toward national and regional rankings. All USAT rules and regulations will apply. Racers are subject to time penalties or disqualification for infractions of USAT rules

Our Olympic athletes will depart a half-hour before the Sprint, at 7am. Swim .9 , bike 21, run 6.2 miles.
Our sprint athletes enter the water in a wave start beginning at 7:30. Swim .25, bike 10, run 3.6 mile.
All of our triathlons are USA Triathlon sanctioned events. Always look for triathlons that are sanctioned by USAT so you know that there is race director education and safety protocols in place. It also means that these races count towards your overall USAT ranking.

Not interested in swimming? Our duathlon event is made just for you! Run 1.4 miles, Bike 10 miles, then Run 3.6 miles to the finish. Awards for top finishers.
Aquathlon, a new multisport category, lacks a bike leg, making it ideal for those without bicycles or dealing with transport hassles. Participants will compete in a 0.9-mile swim and a 10k run. Awards for top finishers.

Sprint distance athletes who need to leave before 9:00am: park at the lot on Craigville Beach Rd. (inland side) across from the registration tent. All other Sprint athletes and Olympic distance athletes: park at the main parking lot (beach side) adjacent to the transition area. A short walk to the race!
We love our volunteers! Friends and family members of athletes are encouraged to volunteer while watching the action. Priority parking, T-shirt, refreshments and swag bag are only some of the perks! Sign up to volunteer here, or contact us for details and questions.

Sorry, but we cannot accept e-bikes of any kind at this race — including those that are presented to us sans battery with the stated intention of being pedal-powered alone.
We all love our pets. But town regulations forbid dogs on or near the beach this time of the year. Leave the pooch at home!

Awards ceremony is tentatively scheduled for 9:30am day of race. Awards presented to top three competitors in each age group (male, female and non-binary) as well as top Elites, Clydesdale/Athena, First-Timers, Para-triathlete, Male, Female and Mixed Relay Teams, Aquathlon and Aquabike. Those who cannot remain for the ceremony may pickup their award at the Awards table or by contacting us for shipping instructions. Results will be posted on our website within 24 hours of event.
For those traveling from afar, Cape Cod is awash with hotels, motor lodges, inns, bed and breakfasts, vacation cottages and AirBnB offerings. Find lodging here.

For clubs and teams:
The Lobster Pot Challenge
Are you a member of a triathlon club or college team? We’re holding two club competitions this year: at each of the Hyannis Triathlons. Bring 6 or more members of a team and give it your best shot!
- For the winning team: the Lobster Pot Trophy
- Winning team receives 5 Race Entries
- 2nd Place receives 3 Race Entries
- 3rd Place receives 1 Race Entry
Choose from these race options:
7:00 pm: A pre-race meeting for all athletes via Zoom. Participate by computer device or phone. Registered athletes will be emailed with login instructions a few days prior, and again the morning of the meeting. A recording of this meeting will be available on this race page the following afternoon.
5-7 pm: On-site registration (if not sold out) and packet pick-up. If you are pre-registered, don't forget to bring a legal ID and proof of USAT membership (physical card, digital card, email confirmation, receipt).
5:30 - 6:30am: On-site registration (if not sold out) and packet pick-up. If you are pre-registered, don't forget to bring a legal ID and proof of USAT membership (physical card, digital card, email confirmation, receipt).
5:30 am: Transition area opens
6:45 am: Olympic transition area closes. Pre-race announcements on the beach for Olympic athletes
7 am: Olympic race and Aquathon starts!
7:15 am: Sprint transition area closes. Pre-race announcements on the beach for Sprint athletes
7:30 am: Sprint race and Duathlon race starts!
8:30 am: Race pre-packaged foods will be available at the finish line.
9:30 am (approximate): Awards ceremony and post-race yoga.
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